Tag: Talently præsenterer

Talently præsenterer: Eltronic A/S


Hvem er Eltronic A/S?

Eltronic A/S er en ingeniørvirksomhed med mere end 20 års erfaring med produktionssystemer og automation. Eltronic´s mål er at være kundernes foretrukne samarbejdspartner samt øge kundernes globale konkurrenceevne og bæredygtighed. Der er ret stor sandsynlighed for, at du ikke kender dem – og det er faktisk lidt synd. Virksomheden er af den slags, som er anonym i den store offentlighed, men som rummer en masse spændende muligheder og udfordringer indenfor produktionsmiljøet. Det gælder ikke mindst for IT-talenter!

Eltronic er i dag den førende automationsleverandør til nogle af Danmarks største industrivirksomheder, og er stolte af at være en samarbejdspartner, der medvirker til at forbedre kundernes globale konkurrenceevne.

Stadig en ung virksomhed…

Virksomheden blev grundlagt d. 1. marts 2000 af Lars Jensen. I virksomhedens første leveår leveres automationsløsninger til lokale produktionsvirksomheder med stor succes. I de efterfølgende år udvidede Eltronic sine kompetencer til både at dække automation, IT, mekanisk design, montage og service af produktionslinjer – både lokalt og globalt. I 2007 løb virksomheden tør for plads på Spettrupvej i Hedensted. I samråd med medarbejderne besluttede Lars Jensen at bygge et nyt hovedkvarter ud mod E45 i Hedensted. I maj 2010 stod det nye hovedkvarter på Kilde Allé 4 færdigt og klar til indflytning. Hovedkontoret er efterfølgende blevet udvidet ad flere omgange.

Fuld fart på – uden kompromiser på kvalitet

I 2013 modtog Eltronic A/S Børsens Gazellepris for virksomhedens hurtige vækst. Virksomheden har siden 2015 været ISO 9001, siden 2017 ISO 14001 og siden 2019 ISO 45001 certificeret. Certifikaterne demonstrerer for det første, at kvalitetssystemet opfylder internationale standarder og underbygger selskabets fortsatte fokus på levering af produkter og løsninger af den højeste kvalitet. For det andet, at der arbejdes aktivt med bæredygtighed, hvor der fokuseres på cirkulær økonomi som en integreret del af procedurerne og leverancerne.

Hedensted, Ballerup og Odense

Eltronic store succes har igennem årene resulteret i flere organisatoriske forandringer. Det inkluderer virksomhedsopkøb og spinoffs af business units. Eltronic FuelTech A/S blev etableret som en spinoff i 2018, Eltronic Wind Solution, i dag ENABL A/S i 2019 og senest Data Intelligence A/S i 2020. Eltronic A/S er en del af Eltronic Group A/S, der udover førnævnte selskaber ejer Dynatest A/SMME Nordic A/SHE Marine A/S og Eltronic PtX A/S. I dag dækker Eltronic A/S hele Danmark med 3 kontorer i hhv. Hedensted, Ballerup og Odense.


For at imødekomme kundernes behov, søger Eltronic hele tiden nye softwareingeniør-kollegaer, der skal være med til at udvikle innovative løsninger. Hos Eltronic får man stor indflydelse på eget arbejde. Man får et ansvar der matcher kompetencerne i både større og mindre projekter. Der er stor fokus på den faglige udvikling. Da virksomheden er en del af en større koncern, er der også mulighed for jobrotation, hvor man kan afprøve nye roller og arbejdsområder. Alle medarbejdere i Eltronic er automatisk medlem af personaleforeningen. Foreningen er meget aktiv og planlægger årligt en række sociale events, der inkluderer bl.a. årets store julefrokost, foredrag, den festlige sommerfest og en hyggelig familiedag. Du kan også forvente events af mere aktiv karakter så som golfturneringer, go-kart ræs, padel tennis turneringer eller den årlige DHL stafet.

Talently’s muligheder

Hvis du vil vide mere om mulighederne hos Eltronic A/S, så tal med din talent manager om det næste gang I mødes. Præsentationer af spændende virksomheder som arbejdsplads for top IT-talenter er kun en lille del af det arbejde, som Talently laver. Hvis du vil vide mere om Talently og om hvordan vi kan hjælpe dig med din faglige og personlige udvikling, så læs mere her…

Talently præsenterer: MovieStarPlanet


MovieStarPlanet A/S is the global company behind MovieStarPlanet, MoveStarPlanet 2 and BlockStarPlanet – the games and social networks for kids

We are a Denmark based software development studio specializing in the creation
and marketing of social games for children. Our vision is to provide the world’s most inspiring network for kids by delivering safe digital entertainment for fun, creativity and sharing.

Growing Strong

Since launch in Denmark in 2009, MovieStarPlanet ApS has experienced explosive growth. Our games are live in 16 countries across 11 European markets as well as the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Globally we rank among the most popular virtual worlds for the target group with more than 200 million registered profiles.

Pushing Boundaries

MovieStarPlanet employs around 100 talented gaming professionals. We are still carried by the entrepreneurial spirit that founded the company. We utilise the passion and ambitions of our people to continually push the boundaries and grow the products and the company.


Togetherness is not only at the core of our social network, but is also the foundation of our work culture. It is our belief that honesty, diversity, trust and respect provide fertile conditions that encourage collaboration and allow creativity to flourish.

Our People

A company is only as strong as the people behind it. At MovieStarPlanet we have over 30 nationalities working with us, providing a vibrant and diverse atmosphere. We value this diversity and believe it contributes to a greater variety of viewpoints, a broader range of individual talents and professional experience. Our passion for our products and colleagues not only makes for a fun, informal and professional workplace. We also provides an environment where people and ideas can flourish.

Browse job openings here

Presentations of great companies to work for as IT-talents is only a part of what Talently does. If you want to know more about what Talently does ond how we work, please read more here…

Talently præsenterer: Unwire

Do you want to be part of Unwire and the journey to make public transit the easiest choice?

Are you as passionate as Unwire about helping cities to become more sustainable in the face of climate change? Do you enjoy working in an agile and innovative environment? Do you have experience or interest in mobility and smart city solutions? 

If you answer yes to the questions above, read on!

A peak into the Unwire office…

Who is Unwire?

Unwire is an innovative Danish company founded in 2001, specializing in mobility solutions. We are located in Copenhagen, Denmark. Unwire have 25 highly skilled and dedicated employees. Over the last two decades, we have implemented high-quality mobility solutions with leading transportation companies worldwide.

By developing and operating innovative value-added services for our customers, we are always focused on keeping up to date with the latest technologies.

Our mission is to enable public transit agencies and cities to achieve their full potential, reach their goals to become more sustainable and to evolve with the needs of their customers.

Our all-in-one agency controlled mobile app aggregates a wide range of mobility services from traditional mass transit to micromobility, paratransit, rideshare and other multimodal options.

We know mobility

Unwire is part of the ICM Mobility Group. ICM Mobility Group enables public and private transport to move into the digital era. From planning journeys and issuing smart tickets, to streamlining electronic payments and providing insights, ICM Mobility Group invests in and partners with companies shaping the digital transformation of the mobility sector.

Unwire is part of ICM Mobility Group

To learn more, visit www.icmmobility.com

We are committed to making shared transportation the preferred way of travelling from A-Z. Our mission is to help public transit agencies and cities achieve their full potential in their goals. We want them to become more sustainable and evolve with the needs of their customers.

We would love to hear from you

As a mobile technology company specializing in mobile mobility, our mission is to enable public transit agencies and cities to achieve their full potential, reach their goals to become more sustainable, and evolve with their customers’ needs. 

As a small and dedicated team of 25 people, we have over ten nationalities represented amongst that number, and our working language is English. We have team members from across the globe. This includes Bulgaria, Mexico, Macedonia, UK and Argentina. Our team has solid experience and expert knowledge. We work together with our customers, from laying out the commercial, business and technical landscape to delivering prototypes, co-designing, building, and hosting mobility solutions.

We are always interested in hearing from mobile app (native iOS and Android) and Full-stack (Java/Kotlin and Angular) developers.

You can find our career page here…

Presentations of great companies to work for as IT-talents is only a part of what Talently does. If you want to know more about what Talently does ond how we work, please read more here…

Talently præsenterer: Monta

Talently præsenterer: Monta

Who is Monta?

At Monta we make EV charging simple, accessible, and reliable. Our software enables a consistent charging experience across all chargepoint brands. We empower chargepoint owners with a full-fledged solution to attract users and seamlessly manage usage, pricing, availability, and transactions.

We are still a young company but we’ve achieved quite a lot in a short time.

What profiles are we looking for?

We are always on the lookout for dedicated and committed colleagues, who want to create something new and different, within the realm of EV driving, with us. We are internationally minded, with people from all over the world allowing us to have a global scope in our product and how we go about it. If you feel the same way we do about the team we put together, we would love to hear from you.

Montas values

We value sustainability, transparency, flexibility & trust. 

We know that a person is much more than their gender and ethnicity. It is in the richness of backgrounds that creativity thrives. Wanting to create a diverse environment is more than checking boxes – it is bringing extremely talented people together so they can engage in creative discussions. 

We want to create a setting where everyone is embraced as their own selves to facilitate the growth of ideas.

Our webpage: https://monta.com/

Presentations of great companies to work for as IT-talents is only a part of what Talently does. If you want to know more about what Talently does ond how we work, please read more here…

Talently præsenterer: DFDS

DFDS Technology & Innovation

DFDS Technology & Innovation

DFDS is Northern Europe’s largest shipping and logistic network delivering transport solutions across Europe. DFDS has over the last years generated record operating profits and is building a strong technology organization to support innovation and growth. DFDS employs 11,000 people ashore and at sea throughout Europe and the Mediterranean region. Technology & Innovation counts +350 people spread over multiple locations within Europe.

Working with technology in DFDS means that you will be at the heart of our digital transformation. We are developing solutions that will have an impact on millions of customers and how we do business in the future paving the way towards the best ferry and road transport services in Europe.

Our belief system is based on agile principles and good craftsmanship. We respond quickly to the change that is constantly disrupting and challenging the way we work. We believe in continuous growth, and therefore as an employee in T&I you should have a way to develop your professional and personal competencies, grow your career and expand your impact no matter what role you have.

We aim at employing a build-measure-learn approach where we learn fast and often in order to continuously develop data driven solutions. We value team autonomy and embrace and support the use of cutting-edge technologies when solving problems.

The Tech Stack

Included in our tech stack you will find some of the following, but not limited to:

  • C#, .NET and .NET CORE
  • AWS, Azure DevOps and Git 
  • Microservices, DDD and Event Driven Architecture
  • Docker and Kubernetes
  • REST API’s
  • Relational databases such as Microsoft SQL and PostgreSQL
  • Non-relational databases such as DynamoDB
  • React, GraphQL and Nodejs
  • Headless CMS
  • NestJS
  • Kafka

We are investing heavily in digital technologies which will create a fantastic customer experience through a company-wide digital transformation driven by smart data, automation, modularization, and connectivity.

Continue to grow at DFDS

Working at DFDS means inspiration, flexibility and care — together we encourage, support and expect continuous upgrading of skills. At DFDS you can spend up to 20% of your time studying and exploring new knowledge. We also subscribe to a large online platform for courses and certifications and you will get access to tons of high quality content. Thus, all employees have continuous opportunities to grow and learn.

Listen to the employees

To get a better feeling of us we have asked one of our Backend Developers to say a few words about how it is to work in Technology & Innovation:  

“When I first came to DFDS I had limited experience with microservices and cloud technologies, but the culture within DFDS highly promotes continuous learning and knowledge sharing, so it didn’t take long for me to gain these new skills which I would not be without. What I enjoy most about working at DFDS is the autonomous teams where an agile and fail fast mindset contributes to building awesome and modern solutions which brings value.” 

– Nadia, Backend Developer, DFDS   

Have a look yourself…

If you want to look back on your career and know that you were a vital part of building a great company, then reach out! You can find all our open positions here…

Præsentationer af spændende virksomheder som arbejdsplads for top IT-talenter er kun en lille del af det arbejde, som Talently laver. Hvis du vil vide mere om Talently og om hvordan vi kan hjælpe dig med din faglige og personlige udvikling, så læs mere her…

Talently præsenterer: Workday

Workday logo

Virksomheden Workday

Workday er en børsnoteret SaaS-virksomhed, som laver cloud-baserede HR-og finanssystemer. På Strøget i København har Workday sit udviklingskontor for Workday Peakon Employee Voice. Det er et produkt, der giver medarbejdere mulighed for at levere fortrolig feedback om deres arbejdsplads, som bliver til relevante indsigter og handlingsforslag til ledere på alle niveauer. Vi vil gerne være med til at sikre, at medarbejdere i virksomheder over hele verden kan få deres stemme hørt og have indflydelse på deres arbejdspladser. 


Hos os vil du blive en del af et udviklingsafdeling på ca. 60 personer. Vi arbejder i tværfunktionelle Scrum-teams, typisk bestående af 2-3 frontend udviklere, 2-3 backend udviklere, en QA’er, en engineering manager, en product manager og en designer. 

Workdays Tech stack

Vores tech stack er node.js, React, Postgres og AWS. Vi lægger stor vægt på at holde en høj faglig standard og levere et godt produkt, både hvad angår brugeroplevelsen og den underliggende tekniske kvalitet, med bl.a. stor fokus på testautomatisering og et effektivt, dagligt release-flow. 


Vores vigtigste kerneværdi er Employees. Vi har et stort fokus på karriereudvikling og intern mobilitet, gode forhold med bl.a. en sund frokostordning, tilskud til fitness, og et ambitiøst aktieprogram, der gør alle medarbejdere til medejere. Vi lægger også meget vægt på at skabe et inkluderende arbejdsmiljø, hvor alle kan føle sig velkomne. Naturligvis måler vi på dette ved hjælp af Workday Peakon Employee Voice.

Du kan læse mere generelt om Workday her og se vores karrieresider her

Præsentationer af spændende virksomheder som arbejdsplads for top IT-talenter er kun en lille del af det arbejde, som Talently laver. Hvis du vil vide mere om Talently og om hvordan vi kan hjælpe dig med din faglige og personlige udvikling, så læs mere her…

Talently præsenterer: IO Interactive

Hver måned giver Talently en spændende virksomhed mulighed for at præsentere sig selv som arbejdsplads for top IT-talenter. Det skal give indsigt og inspiration. Nogle virksomheder er kendte, andre er mere anonyme. Fælles for dem alle er, at de tilbyder IT-opgaver på et højt fagligt niveau. Vi starter med IO Interactive, som hører til blandt de mere velkendte danske spiludviklere – du har med stor sandsynlighed spillet mindst ét af deres spil på et eller andet tidspunkt…

IOI and Hitman

Hi – we are IO Interactive!

First, some practical information about us:

  • 23 years old
  • Developers of the Hitman Franchise, Kane&Lynch, Mini Ninjas, Freedom Fighters. We are now working on HITMAN 3 Live, Project 007, a new James Bond game, and a new, multiplayer unannounced title.
  • Independent  
  • Largest AAA game developer in Denmark
  • 225+ people and growing 
  • Studios in Copenhagen, Malmö and Barcelona, working on the same projects across sites.

Tech stack:

Glacier, our state-of-the-art, proprietary engine, is part of our success as a studio. It was used to develop the entire Hitman franchise, and is now developed even further to support the games that we are currently working on, such as Project 007 and our new multiplayer title. Winner of Best Technology Award at Nordic Game 2019, our engine is built around visual scripting and hot-reloading to enable completely data-driven WYSIWYG game development. Glacier was designed from the ground-up to enable faster iterations on content creation, tweaking and debugging, containing appx. 5 million lines of code. This has been achieved through a highly-optimized Runtime Resource System (written in C++), a powerful Live Editor (written in C#) and an on-demand Asset Pipeline.

Our technical team:

Our technical team, Backbone, has different tech disciplines: engine, tools, DCC tools, render, UI, online and BI & analytics. We also have producers and directors that empower the different discipline teams to be their best and achieve their goals in collaboration with the rest of development teams.

Typical tasks:

Our coders work primarily with C++, and this is why we mainly look for skilled C++ programmers. Tools programmers work primarily with C#. There are more languages in addition, such as Python and .NET, according to their discipline.

Advantages of working with tech development at IOI

You get:

  • Ownership: you get a big system, feature, or tech goal, and are free to run with it.
  • Trust: if you join IOI, that means you’re good. Therefore, we trust you to achieve the best quality and we are support you.
  • Impact: you see your work in games played by currently 50+ million people, and more in the future.
  • Creative freedom: if you want to try out something you’re passionate about, research new and improved ways of developing our tech stack, we give you the freedom to do so.
  • Flexibility: if you want to switch up the work that you do, develop a new feature, or even switch disciplines – we support it!

Benefits and perks of working at IOI:

  • 31 nationalities and a highly multicultural studio. Our official language is English.
  • Work-life balance
  • Flexible hours
  • Work from home
  • Private health insurance, pension
  • First child sick day
  • Own canteen with dedicated kitchen staff
  • Plenty of office perks, for fun and recreation, social events and a strong community
  • ..and much more

Current open roles that do not require games industry experience:

  • Animation Tech Programmer
  • Animation Tools Programmer
  • Audio Tools Programmer
  • Audio Programmer
  • Asset Pipeline Programmer
  • Multiplayer Network Programmer
  • Lead Online Programmer
  • Build Engineer
  • Generalist C++ programmer

We encourage people to go to  https://career.ioi.dk/careers , find out more and apply.

IOI Careers banner

Præsentationer af spændende virksomheder som arbejdsplads for top IT-talenter er kun en lille del af det arbejde, som Talently laver. Hvis du vil vide mere om Talently og om hvordan vi kan hjælpe dig med din faglige og personlige udvikling, så læs mere her…